
The following 令人满意的学业进展 policy is in compliance with federal regulations issued July 1, 2011.

The mission of the U.S. Department of Education is to assist students who are academically progressing towards their goal of attaining a degree or certificate. 为了确保这一目标的实现,美国政府采取了一系列措施.S. Department of Education requires colleges to determine whether financial aid is being utilized in the most effective way. It is the responsibility of Student Financial Services to monitor each financial aid applicant's academic work and to confirm the student's academic success and continued financial aid eligibility or to determine if a student is not academically progressing toward the goal of degree attainment. 这也包括不由财政援助支付的学分.

Note: If a student is suspended from the college, 这个问题必须在学生金融服务部门审查上诉之前先解决. 学业成绩由学生成功中心管理. 这可以通过到 学生成功中心十大彩票平台Net页面 (须登入十大彩票平台帐户). 学生成功中心的电话号码是(413)755-4715. Please see the Academic Standing Policy. This policy is for financial aid purposes is more restrictive than the institution's academic standing policy.


  • 累积平均绩点:
    • Students are expected to maintain the following minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) for financial aid purposes:
      Attempted Credits Minimum GPA
      1 - 12 1.50
      13 - 21 1.70
      22 - 30 1.80
      31 + 2.00
    • 所有课程的成绩均为A, B, C, D, and F are included in the GPA calculation (see additional information for treatment of fresh start, incompletes, and repeated grades).
  • 完成率(合格率):
    • Transfer credits, ESL, and remedial coursework are included in the passing percentage calculation.
    • Only grades of A, B, C, and D are considered successful completion in the percentage calculation.
    • 分数为W, F或I(不完整)会对学生的完成率产生不利影响.
    • 示例:尝试的总学分数为48学分.  你必须成功完成至少32个学分(48学分x66学分).66% = 32 credits)
  • 最长时间范围(时间长度):
    • Students must complete their program in less than 150% of the published length of the educational program. 
    • Students who do not complete their program within this time frame are no longer eligible to receive financial aid.
      • 此外,以下适用:最多24个补救学分免除此要求. 
      • Transfer credits that have been applied to the student's record will be considered in calculating the maximum time frame requirements for the program.
      • 如果改变学术课程, all credits attempted toward your previous program are counted when calculating the length of time it takes to complete your new program requirements.  因此,您可能需要为您的新课程提交课程评估.
    • 例子:文科转学(ltr)是一个60学分的项目.  You cannot attempt more than 90 credits (60 credits X 150% = 90 credits)  In order to maintain an acceptable pace of completion, 学生必须完成至少66门课程.66% of their attempted credits in order to complete their program of study prior to the 150% point.
    • PLEASE NOTE:  Students who have graduated from 十大彩票平台 or have exceeded 150% of their current program may not be eligible for financial aid if only taking pre-requisites for a prospective program.


  • SAP每年在春季学期结束时进行评估. (With the exception of certificate programs and students on probation in which cases SAP is run at the end of each term of enrollment).
  • 如果学生完成了课程长度的110%, they will be sent an alert notifying them that they are approaching the maximum length of time for financial aid eligibility.  在这个时间点,学生仍然有资格获得经济援助.
  • Failure to meet SAP standards will result in un令人满意的学业进展; the student will be notified.
  • 如果学生有情有可原的情况, 他们有权上诉(以书面形式),解释为什么他们没有做出决定 令人满意的学业进展 while enrolled at 十大彩票平台.  情有可原的情况包括医疗, personal, or family problems, change of major, or military service. 请附上适当的证明文件.
  • 如果学生的上诉被批准, they may be placed on probation for the next semester with the following condition; that the student must make 令人满意的学业进展 or meet the conditions of probation.  不符合这一条件将导致学业进展不理想.
  • 由学生金融服务部酌情决定, 该学生可能会根据学术计划被留校察看.  如果学生被安排在学术计划上, 其他要求将根据具体情况为学生列出.
  • 一旦他们的上诉被审查,学生将被通知. Turn around time is approximately 2 weeks; however, due to the limited time between semesters students may not receive notification prior to the start of the following semester. 学生必须自己作出财务安排来支付账单.
  • 如果学生目前正在接受经济援助或他们的申请正在接受审查, their application and/or aid will be placed on hold until a decision is made on their appeal.  如果学生有下学期的学费账单, 他们必须做出自己的付款安排.
  • 如果上诉被拒绝,学生必须自费上课.  The student must demonstrate they can successfully complete classes as guided by Student Financial Services.  在其他学院修过的课程不作为复学考虑.

Additional Information

  • FRESH START: Being approved for the Fresh Start program does not necessarily change your previous financial aid standing. 请联系学生财务服务,以检查您的资格. 欲了解更多信息,请参阅 学术宽恕(新开始)政策.
  • INCOMPLETES: 如果你的SAP状态是不令人满意的部分原因是不完整的成绩, 收到成绩更改后,请立即与学生财务服务部联系.  我们会根据成绩的变化重新计算你的SAP.
  • REPEATED COURSES: SAP政策将遵循学院的复读课程政策.  学生可以重修一门课程.  请参考十大彩票平台学术政策,以确定将使用哪个字母等级.  所有重修课程都包含在尝试课程中.

Updated May, 2015